I just wanted to post this appeal because I was totally distraught. I can understand completely if I do not get unbanned because I have no way to prove that I wasn't hacking, but you even said yourself, Jake, that I was close to being Alpha. I never swore or killed anyone who couldn't afford it, and I certainly never hacked. Even if I was childish enough to consider it, I'm sure you can imagine that any thoughts of it were erased after this. I despise hackers. They come and take what others had worked hard to get. I'm certain housemonkey could tell you. I even helped him ban a few hackers. I don't want to be permanently blocked from the only server I've ever liked, even more so when I didn't do anything. I hope that, regardless of whether this appeal is heard, I can try to clear my name. My only transgression was being lucky enough to find two diamond veins, and not wanting to be easily followed.